Check them out:
Iyo (Dhalsim) vs Daigo (Ryu)
Poongko (white Ryu) vs Daigo (blue Ryu)
Poongko (Ryu) vs Justin Wong (rufus)
Justin Wong (Rufus) vs Iyo (Dhalsim)
Justin Wong (Rufus) vs Daigo (Ryu)
PS: Will Justin have his revenge? Justin was the Chun-li palyer who got beaten up by Daigo usin Ken in the famous SF3 parriying madness video located here
Source: Event hubs
OMG that First fight was sick...Dude played rushdown wit Sim...WTF And the duble EX hurricane was phat!
fuck why can't any of this happen on the east coast...damnit I wish I could have been there. fucking amazing matches here.
also I knew they hyped up poongko way too much. he's good as hell don't get me wrong but, there are FAR better players out there.
Iyo vs Daigo had me on the EDGE OF MY SEAT.
Round 4 was AWESOME.
this event was so sick!
Wow That was really un-impressive. At least the 3rd Strike match showed you the guys had some talent. This match just looked like a typical match I played
yeah Gamer K, you're unimpressive...
we're getting used to your pointless comments.
Awww that hurt my feelings, Sorry Im not the kinda guy that thinks everything about SF4 or SF is awsome. Tell ya what, Ill try my best to get on the SF5 development team so you can start kissing my ass.
suck balls gamerK. I didnt see you in any of the vids. If this is a typical match for you, where did you place in the touney...Suck the chocolate milkshake from my puckered rose puck azz..
OK, You got me skipper, I wasnt there cause Im not a proffessional. Im just giving my opinion stating that I thought the 3rd strike match was better. But since you want to throw a tantrum Im gonna ask you to take a time out.
great to see sf4 high level matches.
ofcourse 3s fanboys will complain at just about everything in sf4 so its better to just ignore them.
LOL @ Gamer K and his ridiculous points of view, for he it's just white or black, 1 or 0...
ya know, these matches were excellent and a real pleasure to watch but I agree...the removal of the parry system and possibly air blocks seems to make things a LITTLE less exciting. I mean I haven't seen anyone do anything as epic as that full parry and I'm not sure that could even be done. don't get me wrong, I love SF4 in it's entirety from the way the characters look, music stages, gameplay EVERYTHING. but, after popping in third strike for a few hours yesterday, it opened up my eyes a little. Third strike is a much tougher game. IMO they should have left the way it played alone, and maybe still added the focus attacks.
I really don't think third strike however compares to the look of sf4. but as far as technique goes, 3rd strike is much more difficult.
Here's to hoping for a 3rd strike hd remix! until then I'll be playing sf4 and loving every minute of it.
I love these comments made by anonymous people. They come in here to only argue about something they dont argee with an use foul language cause they can only speak the english language they see on MTV. Anyways I dont understand what "Gamer K and his ridiculous points of view, for he it's just white or black, 1 or 0..." means. You say my points are ridiculous but at least I make sense and Im honest.
"At least the 3rd Strike match showed you the guys had some talent."
yep gamer k that made a lot of sense, because this post was about the SF3 talent needed to meet your expectations about another game...
^^ search for "binary thinking" on the internet and maybe you'll be able to understand it...
Well Im not dumbing down my literary vocabulary just so you can understand what im talking about. Also didn't your teacher ever tell you that not everything on the internet is 100% accurate? This is called "The Street Fighter Blog" not "The Street Fighter 4 Blog". So if I menton SF3 it does relate to any topics here.
"This match just looked like a typical match I played"
Then you must be a great streetfighter player.You should take part in EVO and defeat all these losers playing in this gamestop tourney.
LOL Believe me I like to but with work, gf, my blog, and other games I just dont have that kinda time to spend training. Being a gaming celebrity like Iyo, Daigo or Fatality takes lots of time, work and a bit of luck. I rather spend my time just enjoying the games i play then make playing one type of game a career.
Gamer K,
Every match up of great players isn't always going to be spectacular. Yes it did look like a typical match but that is because the players are very good and at that level it becomes a huge mental game. Furthermore no one wants to make a mistake, so they are going to play as CAUTIOUS as possible! Most of the time only flashes of their greatness comes out under pressure. If you were to play any of these players it would not look like a typical match it would look like you getting your ass whooped.
Ohhh Oblique, where were you weeks ago to flaming your fanboyism of SF4 greatness? Compaired to the SF3 match it was less spectacular. At least everyone can admit that. Im not implying or saying that I was (or ever will) be better than Iyo or Daigo. You dont have to defend them or the way pros play the game. Sure they would beat me in SF3 hands down, SF4 I would at least take half their health or win a single round. But that's not the point. The point is that the SF3 match was amazing and still is cause it seemed impossible that Daigo would win. Not only did he win but the way he won was legendary. This wasnt the case in this tournament so I just gave my opinion in saying I wasnt impressed. Stop making a big deal out of nothing.
Gamer K,
You need to read, I dare you to find ANY FANBOY statements by me about street fighter 4 and please quote me on it.
Furthermore it seems like you missed completely this post:
Where David Sirlin talks about the short comings of street fighter 4 and I agree with a lot of what he said. So all that fanboy stuff can just stop because it is simply not true. Again please find some fanboy statements that I have made, since you want to call me out on that...
Ohhh did i hurt your feelings? Well too bad, time to grow up. This is the real world and the real world is a harsh mistress at that.
I dont need to find a quote cause everyone here is a fanboy duh. If you called me a fanboy of SF3 then I will say YES I am. Im also a Fanboy of other popular games too. The difference between you and me as fans is that I dont need David Sirlin to tell me the falts of the game cause I already seen them right when I first started playing the game. However, some of you would argue with me on them until now when Sirlin says it you accept.
Gamer K,
I don't recall me asking your for an apology lol but anyway. Man you are assuming a lot about me, I think you are confusing me with all the fanboy comments on this site. You need to take that up with Mr. Anonymous.
You call people out as fanboys and then you yourself say that you are a fanboy lol.
You said this:
"If you called me a fanboy of SF3 then I will say YES I am. Im also a Fanboy of other popular games too."
What kind of sense does that make?
You know what Gamer K you are the better fanboy than everyone else. Mr. Anonymous take notice!
All hail Gamer K, the fanboys of all fanboys lol, one fanboy to rule them all. Gamer K is a better fanboy than you.
This is too funny the depth of your ignorance never ceases to amaze me. Anyway I am done with this conversation.
I always believed that being a fanboy was not a bad thing. Theirs just good fanboys and bad fanboys. If someone can prove me wrong then a can be the better fan and accept it. However, the ones that are truly ignorant are the ones that cant accept others opinions because of their own. Sure you can say your done but that makes you just as bad as those players that just quit a in the middle of a match just because their losing
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