As you can see below, console version guile has a smaller head as well as a different mouth and facial expression during his intro than his arcade counterpart.
Arcade SF4 Guile:

Console SF4 Guile:

Arcade SF4 Guile:

Console SF4 Guile:

It seems that most characters will get facelifts for the console version. first chunners and sakura and now Guile, i wonder who is next!
Thank God... Ryu next PLEASE.
@ mdouglas
amen to that bro
holy wack-a-mole he actually looks young
I know the characters are supposed to look older, and I'm 100% for that, HOWEVER, the male SF4 arcade characters all seem to have their faces pumped full of steroids. The "palm tree" hair on Ryu and "cromang" face have been my biggest issues since day one of this project. And what the heck is he so upset about? It looks like he needs to get laid rather than fight.
looks better but ryu is fine how else can they do his hair exactly would look funny ne other way specially if dey add more hair...hes fine as is he looks similar 2 SFIII Ryu all i say is make kens hair similar to SFIII
chek out this original akiman drawing of ryu n u will see where the hair comes from
Yeah, they've got other fish to fry.
Ken needs some face/hair work in addition to some tailoring for those huge snowpants he's wearing...
Sagat could use some altering as well. His head is too big and takes away from the mountainous look he's always had...
Snowpants! Love it. Yeah I guess i'm just a huge fan of the alpha series Ryu. They could reduce the size of his chin and stylize the hair a bit more. Oh well, the fact that Capcom is listening to fans and are changing things for the home versions is pretty amazing. They must want to hit this thing out of the park.
I wish they'd release the game sooner instead of giving all the characters facelifts.
He kinda reminds me of Dutch Schaefer from Predator now... not that that's a bad thing :)
Guile looks very good now! He looked good before but now it's "very." lol
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