Bad wire work - wow! They can't go for 5 seconds without a cut because none of them know what they are doing - horrible!
Even when the classic kung fu flicks use wire work they are making it look cool or stylish, here its just sloppy. Personally I prefer kung fu movies with no wire work at all.
The clip was awesome! Those who are complaining about it are most likely the same people who've been saying from the start this film was going to fail. So it pains them to see that this film may be a winner.
@ Anon; Yes you are right, I thought this film would fail from the start, this clip confirms that it sucks, but that doesn't mean total idiots, who can't tell a Jackie Chan from a Bruce Li, (Not Bruce Lee) won't eat it up like a dog eats it's own vomit.
action looks aewsome
You're joking right? That shit looks straight up like something from Xena Warrior Princess or Mighty Morphing Power Rangers...
Why the hell would common thugs do elaborate flip kicks like that? So corny.
Someone's got a pretty bad case of the ol' wire-fu!
O_O wow not bad at all!
...oh no...
Thug Leader: Boss. Ugh.
Boss: What happened?!
Thug Leader: She had a wire team with her. Augggghhhhhhhhhh!
Thug dies. End Scene.
i said it looked awesome b/c reminds me of old original kung-fu martial arts.........ahh da classics
No, that's Gen's grab. Gen's her teachah!
HAHAHAHAHAA @ Anonymous post 2:05 pm!!
OH Xena, what a horrible show thou werest.
This clip doesn't really support my optimism for this show. too bad, but I'm still gonna see it just for the sake of seeing it. :p
dang this movie sucks
dang this movie sucks really bad
go back to smallville
How can a woman be so fine yet so not Chun-Li.
I hope she's prepared for any negativity from fans, when the movie releases.
Bad wire work - wow! They can't go for 5 seconds without a cut because none of them know what they are doing - horrible!
Even when the classic kung fu flicks use wire work they are making it look cool or stylish, here its just sloppy. Personally I prefer kung fu movies with no wire work at all.
OH DEAR GOD WHAT ARE THEY DOING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
all yall need to chill I think it was alright.
The clip was awesome! Those who are complaining about it are most likely the same people who've been saying from the start this film was going to fail. So it pains them to see that this film may be a winner.
See you at the theaters Feb. 27th!
@ Anon; Yes you are right, I thought this film would fail from the start, this clip confirms that it sucks, but that doesn't mean total idiots, who can't tell a Jackie Chan from a Bruce Li, (Not Bruce Lee) won't eat it up like a dog eats it's own vomit.
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