It has been known for quite a while now, that buyers of the Collector's edition of Street Fighter IV will get a set of 5 alternate costumes. What was not clear though was which character's alternates the CE owners will get, or if we can download any 5 alternates we want if we buy the CE.
Well, we now have an answer. The Collector's edition will come with the brawler pack of alternate costumes, meaning you get the alts for Zangief, Honda, Abel, Elfuerte and Rufus.
I was hoping for some exclusive alts, but oh well! can't complain, game is amazing as is.
Your thoughts?
source: SRK Forums
My thoughts are always the same...
1. Cant wait
2. The more infos we get, the waiting just gets worse!
3. UR blog rocks! :-)
i've preordered the normal version, maybe i'll buy some DLC costumes, maybe not. we'll see
Surprise! They give you the least popular DLC pack.
No offense to Gief or Honda players but lets face it, the shoto and Femme packs will be the most popular.
Anything for more cash!
Whatever, I'll buy all the packs anyway. :p
What will happen if the CE owners get the ALL-FULL-PACK?
was hoping for the shadowloo pack just because Dictator is awesome.
I really feel this whole DLC thing was the fan's fault. You asked for DLC as the number one thing on their poll right? Or was it the action figure? Well either way I know DLC had high numbers of requests which gave them the idea they could charge us for this stuff... That's my opinion. I voted for a making of DVD I believe...
@ Ian: Nobody forces you to buy DLC ;-)
I like the fact that they'll release free 0-day DLC (i mean that championchipstuff)
i mean, we're talking about costumes! Its nothing gamechanging, is it? If your are so into SF and just hate or whatever the normal costumes, go and buy the DLC if you think one costume with several colours isnt enough...
anyway, i love all that DLC stuff. Free DLC is always good, and DLC you've pay for is good too, when its worst buying it (i.e. GTA 4 The lost and damned - an expansion pack for few bucks)
I wanted the classic pack the most. It's classic!
@ Marco: This isn't good downloadable content though. Good DLC is extra stuff made after the games is released to keep it interesting (like the Lost and the damned for GTAIV or Brood War for Starcraft). Bad DLC is made before the game is released and held back to charge an extra buck. Capcom's decision is sad (another company following the DLC trend) but it won't stop me from buying the game (just from buying the DLC).
The point is the DLC is targeted at sucking more money from their hardcore fans,
You dont have to buy it but people will,
And as a fanbase no1 will say anything to Capcom, because like stuggler there are those who want SF4 so bad, they will take a slap across the face with a smile
This really sucks as there is nothing "exclusive" about this at all. This is also the worst of the DLC packs anyway; the quality of the costumes in the Brawler pack is remarkably poor.
I don't even see why they charge so much for the CE when all you get is a DVD/Blu-Ray which will be ripped onto the net with minutes, a crummy action figure or two that no-one cares about due their lameness(two in UK), a little comic/leaflet explaining the new characters and a soundtrack CD (in US, not UK).
Hardly warrants the hiked up price.
I pre-ordered the CE way back before Christmas, mainly because I felt like I would miss out on content if I didn't (Naruto PS3 anyone?).
Now I feel like I've been ripped off - the CE is roughly TWICE the price of the normal edition in the UK.
@ FistfulOAwesome:
mmmmhh.....thats a good point, didnt take the preexistence of the DLC in account... ok, that sucks indeed.
at least the championshipmultiplayerstuff is free, otherwise i would freak out too ;-)
The championshipmultiplayerstuff news was used to annouse the fact we will be paying for pre existing content.
If capcom released news about the DLC by itself then fans would be more upset about it
But releasing it with good news is a clever trick to keep us smiling while we "take a slap across the face".
@ anon:
mmmhh....when i think about it....this sadly makes sense, a mix with bad and good news seems to be more good than bad news
BUT when u look at the actual content, or better what exactly you get with the free and the to-pay-for dlc you'll find out the folloing ->
the dlc you've to spend some buck for is just a different appearance with nothin gamechanging at all. and the free one? i wouldnt say its gamechanging, its almost a whole new gamemode ;-) but you can get the point, cant ya? this is paradox, isnt it?
"And as a fanbase no1 will say anything to Capcom, because like stuggler there are those who want SF4 so bad, they will take a slap across the face with a smile"
A patch thats been annouced before the game is released? Or even gone gold?
Dude you gona see that it seems like this is something that could of possibly be put in the game, and that there is a chance that it was kept out for PR reasons (for SF4 too get somne positive news)
action figures actually won the poll ian DLC was like 3rd and i am glad to get abels alternate costume so im happy if u r not jus stop whinin and dont buy dlc plain in simple as that b/c if i was capcom i wulda did da same thing
coo homes...
On kotaku they have a link to a forum where people create Street Fighter characters in 3d. The guile one looks really cool as well as the Oro one from Street Fighter 3.
wohooo...those images look pretty nasty, didnt know how powerfull this engine is
I believe that most of the people complaining about the DLC being only costumes are off base. If they added a character through DLC then what happens at EVO? Is that character allowed to be played? Even though some of the contestants would have never seen or played against him. Props to Capcom. Capcom is keeping the hardcore tournament scene in it's mind when they did costume only DLC.
When you go to a tournament and you play console SF4 everyone around the world will be playing the same version. Not just those with the internet and some cash to dump at DLC character.
I think CE buyers should have gotten a better costume pack, but people would have complained either way unless they got all the costumes with the CE.
If you don't think the CE is a good deal then cancel it and get the standard edition.
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