This is it people, the fourth and final issue of the excellent Street Fighter Legends: chun-li is at hand. How does the story conclude? Is the miniseries still the favorite sf minisries to date in my book? Read and see.
Dorai, chun-li and Polin have discovered sagat’s plan to steal the Chinese statues and transport them by boat. The trio ambushes Sagat and his thugs in what I can call a great battle finale that proves Dorai (chun-li’s father) is no wimp. I can’t talk more about the story without spoiling the whole thing but know this. The final issue is a good conclusion to a solid miniseries that proves once more (just like the Sf main comic series) that Street Fighter can have a good story. A surprise cameo at the end will surely pleases the fans.
The art by Omar dogan in this issue is no different than the previous issues meaning it kicks major ass. Characters and backgrounds look as vivid as ever.
Overall, Street Fighter Legends: Chun-li is a great mini series, the story is what the crappy Legend of Chunli movie should have been. Great Storytelling, Awesome art, and breathtaking action certainly makes this book a great addition to the Udon’s Street Fighter Universe.
Score: 8.5/10
Good article, thank you!
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