Oh boy! First Legend of chun-li review is up and let me tell you, the movie does not sound good at all, in fact it sounds horrible!
Here is what the reviewer had to say: "1994 gave us Street Fighter: The Movie, the first attempt to bring the popular fighting video game series to the big screen. The result was not received very well; owing to the fact the movie just wasn’t very good. And so, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li enters theaters without much to live up to. But quite amazingly, this movie makes the first one seem like The Godfather in comparison. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li is an early candidate for worst film of the year. "
Rumor has it that this movie is so bad that it will make you pull out your eyes with your own hands and squish them!
Check the source for the full review.
source: Clickthecity
does this surprise anyone?
of course not...
I really don't know why they do this kind of movies... Why change the characters? Why mess with everything?
It would be so easy to do a properly SF movie... There is no complications at all! :S
wtf, is this not totally obvious?
do you really think there would in the first place be an accurate translation of a pixilated chinese woman, who shouts "spinning bird kick" who proceeds to invert herself 180 degrees while simultaneously handing standing while spreading her steroid induced thighs much at the delight of teenage boys all at the same time twirling around?
First of all it annoys me beyond anything that could annoy me, the hoping and praying kids that really do think this could ever work to their hand on dick satisfaction.
Second of all the idiots who decided to work on this "destined to hell/vhs" project annoy me. how can you rationally come up with a script based on videogame that includes a man in red cape (in this case a grey suit with nicely ironed shirt and tie) who propels himself of the screen horizontally covered in purple ectoplasm.
If you haven't noticed I do in fact want this film to be damned, hopefully it will embarrass all the "street fighter community" from ever picking up the game enthusiastically, think twice and probably read a good book in stead. I recommend anything that isn't harry potter btw.
ps- is it also only me who notices that Chris Klein is in this film? have people not heard him speak? his body is this century but his vocal chords and speaking apparatus are from the triassic period.
here is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_JsvZtWttg
I actually had to check that I was not eating sedatives while watching it. I can assure you that I wasn't.
oh no! What have you done?!?! *sigh* Still going to go see it but darnit... this makes me want to change my whole lifes goal and take up directing instead!
Wow Rooshin, calm down man!
The concept of making a Street Fighter film is no worse than making a Superman or X-Men film.
They're all horribly pulp-y with just enough veneer of a story to tie together all of the 'cool', and both Superman AND X-Men made great transitions to film.
And I'm honestly fed up with the straw-man argument of "kids with their hands on their dicks". It's completely irrelevant to how terrible this film is.
All that being said, I've thought this movie looked like utter shit from the moment early footage was leaked...
I just think that you need to calm down a bit. All that anger can't be healthy.
Rooshin, care to take that stick out yer butt and go to a blog that's relevant to your interest? Might be good for your blood pressure. Of course, chances are you're already off to a Harry Potter blog trying to flame them as well, and then possibly standing outside a venue of a music band your really don't like and decrying/shrieking at the audience through a megaphone for daring to like something you don't like. Oh, I know, let's go to a Star Trek convention and yell as hard as we can about how all things sci-fi suck after that?
If you hate Street Fighter so much, maybe, just maybe, you should avoid blogs about it? Hmm? I know it's a difficult concept to grasp, but you're a well read guy, I'm sure you'll be able to work it out.
@ Rooshin
Of course some adaptations on the plot may be necessary, but, screw everything is not the best way to do this... Even the characters are messed up!
It's not necessary a "spinning bird kick" to do a good and honest SF movie...
Vega, for instance, would be a nice character to see on screen, very narcissist, very selfish, an annoying disgusting adorable character... as he truly is!
Then they do this to Vega... sad...
although your movie assertion is spot on you need to stfu granpa mcnutty.
They had a good idea, but somewhere along the way, it got screwed up. When I first heard details of the movie, I was excited, but then when I saw that clip with a Kikkoken, I was disappointed.
They should just make a martial arts movie without any Hadokens, and stick to the story of the characters as much as possible witout getting into the funky outfits.
Damn, it's easy. How can they constantly screw up SF? I betcha they will NEVER make another SF movie now.
LMFAO!!! I knew this was going to happen, it must be really, really bad if it makes the original Street Fighter II movie look like The Godfather, one of the greatest movies ever made.
The could make a fairly accurate Street Fighter movie if it's a combination of a Shaw Bros. wuxia flick and Enter the Dragon.
Yeah, No suprise here. i knew as soon as the first photo was released this movie was gonna be bad. But I never thought I find myself wanting to rather watch the first SF movie then this movie. Personally my idea for a SF film is focusing on Ryu and his travels keeping the martial arts realistic while dynamic leaving out the stupid matrix-like kung-fu. Speaking of Kung-Fu, thats really how the movie should be like. Those that seen the show, imagine Ryu and the rest of the cast in that show and that will make 100 millon dollars garanteed.
it cant be worse, there is no worse
^ maybe the Dragonball movie
I expected as much.
At first I had "a positive opinion" on this movie, but now it's not even worth my precious time and hard-earned- money (well, my parents' money) now that I've heard this. I didn't want to be influenced, but sadly it's 2 late.
So... it seems Dragonball and Street Fighter fans are now both pissed... I will see Dragonball over this though for the laughs though.
But the movie I wanna see now is Watchmen, which I think will be worth it.
Hey... wait a sec... doesn't the movie come out tomorrow? If so... how does someone already have a review?
And if there should ever be an "actual" SF movie, let it be an animated 1 based off the SF3 Ryu Final manga. Nuff' said.
Oh grumble grumble grumble, sorry don't listen to me, this film will be great, I don't know what cloud cookoo land I was when I said that I think this film will be utter pointless cunt-phlegm but I can assure you, I'm glad I'm off it. I nearly did in fact have a triple-by-pass just from the sheer sodding exasperation of typing all that. but even though I nearly killed myself writing all that spiteful waffle, and believe you me I nearly did, I can safely say I'm all over it and I can't wait to get my bum on the seat of that cinema and firmly place a large warm bucket of salted popcorn right on top of my crotch area in full anticipation of the kirsten kreuk do a somersault kick. and to all those nay-sayers out there, I shall pick up my gaming pad/fighting stick lodged up my arse and shout at the top of my lung SHORYUKEN!!!!
hahaha god these movie makers are so dumb, why can't they just make a SF movie that is faithful to the game...and make one with ken and ryu's story that's much more interesting, and no this bullshit that an asian male lead won't sell, its just pure racism, if the movie is good it will sell well but too bad since they keep fucking it up it won't happen lol.
i'm still gonna watch it anyway...
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