The EVO 2009 final will kick off starting tomorrow. In them the best of the best will fight to prove their awesomeness, wether they fight for glory, money or revenge, tomorrow will the day when the weak will fall and the powerful shall rise. (talk abt being over dramatic)
anyway, as you all know pople will compete in Street Fighter IV, HD remix and 3rd strike. If you are like me, not able to attend this glorious event, capcom has our back! starting tomorrow there wil be a live feed from the tournmant ground located here and you can be sure not to miss the great games.
Famous players like Justin wong, goutecks will be participating as well as the human SF demon known as Daigo Umehara, so make sure not to miss the EVO finals starting tomorrow and taking place up until sunday.
Source: Capcom Unity
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Spam alert...
No offence, but if you wanna keep your viewing numbers up you need to do a little better...
Who's doing well? Any great matches? Any footage of the good matches?
For those that havent been watching would be good to keep people informed, otherwise they go elsewhere and dont come back
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