Capcom announced today that they have found their Bison. Its actor Neal McDonough who will portray the dictator responsible for Chun-li's father's death.
capcom also announced that taboo from the black eyed peas will be portraying Vega (claw) which i really believe its an ODD choice, wasnt vea supposed to be a handsome looking guy, i know its a bit rude but i really hope that vega won't take off his mask during this film.
What do you guys think ?
source: kotaku
Yeah, this guy is ugly. What a nose...
See I want to have confidence in this film, but it is hard too. Please tell me that Taboo is not actually going to be Vega. Who okay'd this, who said.....YES this will work. I would rather them choose The Rock for Bison, even though that is not good but it is not worse than who they have currently selected.
All the news I have read or heard about the next movie has motivated me stay the heck away from this movie like the last Street Fighter movie which I STILL have not and WILL NOT SEE.
who the fuck is neal mcdonut ? and why the fucking fuck is taboo chosen to play claw? FUCK this!
Yeah, the Vega (claw) they used in the first movie actually looked the part.
this is going to be repeat of the last movie the made in 1997 or something sheeh. this movie is going to suck ball.
Taboo would be perfect for Cannon Spike Vega ("Fallen Balrog," aka Manson with claws), but not mainstream Vega. Ugh. Also, prick cop from The Hitcher and prick cop from Minority Report has the right facial structure more or less for Bison, but I don't see him pulling the character off. Granted, no Bison sounds right next to the SF2 anime english voice actor. He was so bad-ass.
You know what I wish capcom would just settle on the naming of Barlog, Vega and Bison because it spreads confusion. I just read on the capcomunity blog that Taboo was playing Vega. And while they are at it they should just change Akuma's name to Gouki.
But for real, the cast of this looks like more of a fucking joke every day. Next week John Madden will be announced as E. Honda. I didn't want to pass judgment on this until I actually saw the movie, but Jesus Christ.
I actually think it looks great. The actor playing bison has the same BIG kinda psychotic smile as said character. Maybe Taboo simply needs a haircut a bleach and to remove his beard. Besides if the costumes are convincing, the movie might even rock. Still... can it really get worse that the last catastrophe... Oh man.. lets hope not.
What the hell do the director of this movie was thinking about ! Maybe it will works. Let's wait to see. But Im very disappointed about the cast. I would expect further more
taboo should have cast in the mummy returns
Well I acquiesce in but I dream the list inform should prepare more info then it has.
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