Over at the Official Street FIghter 4 dev blog, producer Shizowa Showed us a glimpse of a hidden character that he cannot say his name but refer to him as Sheng Long ;)
Do you need more proof than that? Well check the attached picture above, that producer Shizowa showed us.
A translation of his post reads: "
[Secret, Unlock-able Character!] Project Manager: Natsumi Shiozawa
Hello everyone!
Its been so busy here lately, I’m beginning to become a bit absent-minded here.Today, I am glad to introduce you to a Hidden Character in Street Fighter IV.
Actually, I wish I could formally announce this information, but I can’t show that much yet so this will have to suffice… sorry!Feast your eyes on this! This is one Street Fighter IV’s Secret, Unlock-able Characters, Sheng Long!
Though… it’s been blacked-out and a little hard to see.
(I’m the one who blacked it out.)Basically, you can see his long hair tied-up, his bulging muscles, and what he’s wearing. You get the idea.
Looks pretty strong, huh?
He should be! After all, Sheng Long is Ryu’s…
You’ll have to wait until an official character announcement is made for more information.However, since this I did post this with the title “Secret Unlock-able Characters”, I couldn’t post this without telling you guys something.
For now, I’ll give you a hint on the whole “secret unlock-able” part.1. Select Ryu as your character.
2. Win every round with a perfect until the last boss fight.
3. During the boss fight, perform a Shoryuken…Oops, I’ve said too much!
Those who are quick to catch on should be able to do this no problem.
However, since the legendary character Sheng Long is about to come out, I won’t get away with this that easily…
But, this isn’t the game’s only secret though.From the beginning, Sheng-Long hasn’t been the only planned secret character.
As I wrote the other day, the release is approaching its final stretch and I will be bringing you as much new information that I can.
What?! There’s going to be a special update?!Don’t miss it! "
But Guess what? Today is April 1st :) so i wouldn't get my hope up, Hey Shizowa san do you work for EGM ?
Source: Capcom blog
UPDATE: Producer Shizowa confirmed today that this info was indeed an April's fool.
April Fool's all over again!
strugler I would rather you rick roll us then tell us about Shen Long Gouken......on April Fool's Day of all days........
But it has been a slow week and a half of no real SF4 information.
part of me still thinks this is gonna be april fool's...
yet the other one is raving....
aghhh someone tell us!
"For now, I’ll give you a hint on the whole “secret unlock-able” part.
1. Select Ryu as your character.
2. Win every round with a perfect until the last boss fight.
3. During the boss fight, perform a Shoryuken…
Oops, I’ve said too much!
Those who are quick to catch on should be able to do this no problem."
This was the april fool back in the day the day which supposedly unlocked Sheng Long.
It was an april fool then and its an April fool now... doesnt the "those to catch on quick" bit say it all?
On the japanese dev blog it is already confirmed that this is a April joke but the US guys doesnt seem to care printing this in english.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Sorry, but my dear friend HAS BOUGHT THE SF4 GAME AND MANAGED TO UNLOCK GOUKEN. If I could, I would have sent a pic of his roster to you guys, but sadly, I don't have any photo-cameras...
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