Finally!! we now have a partial release date for HD remix. According to Kramez from Capcom, SSF2THD Remix, the most anticipated downloadable title in the history of mankind (im serious here) will be released sometimes this november. While we dont have a specific date yet, it is good to know that the game will be released in less than four weeks.
In a nother note, Chistian Svenson (also known as sven) did let us know through the "ask Capcom" forum that the title will not support trophies at launch but that they are exploring the possibility of adding it later via a patch.
Let's hope we get get trophies for the ps3 version soon enough.
About time...
thank friggin kermie the frog.
its about time. after seeing some of the characters i can finally say i that i'm satisfied with the art. i liked the first art they released before (sans messed up anatomy of course)a lot better, but its probably the way ken and ryu were drawn before. Everybody else looks about the same as the first art released. looking forward to it.
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