Here it, the latest (not the final of course) SFIV select screen, showing both Gouken and Seth as playable characters.
As you can see there is a room to add 4 more characters at the bottom of the screen, we already know that fei, dan, and cammy are in, therefore there is one more character to be revealed. Who might that be?
PS: I was actually hoping for a playable Fei long and Dan, well, maybe next time
It might be a ? for random selection?
Didn't they say there was supposed to be another alpha 3 character? or was that just Fei? if not, Karin PLEASE!
Yay Karin for Munjin-kyakus!
who is above dhalsim & ryu?
Sakura is above Dhalsim and Seth is above Ryu.
oh man, please not Karin. So many much cooler characters it's unbeleivable. Someone from third strike would rock my world, like Q or Hugo
How about Evil Ryu, that would be cool!
RossBert...agreed. I would rather have some of the characters from 3rd strike, but I thought I heard somewhere there was going to be another alpha 3 character. So I was hoping for karin. Would u rather have R. Mika?
Gen please!
Elena or Alex would be nice characters from 3rd. Strike to appear in SF4.
It would be nice to see Alex vs Abel... :P
Alex or Dudley! I'm sure it'll be Karin though.
It's all good.
gen is dead..didnt u see the first sfiv animation and it looks as if they hav room for 8 more chars not jus 4 look how much space at da bottom compared 2 da top
Please let it be Rose!!!!
I see Makoto from 3rd Strike as a good addition to SF4.
Ibuki is the best choice; having her and Cammy in will make the game for me.
i figure its gonna be karin or ibuki
It's going to be Gen
yup its gen NICE now thats a tru char choice one of da best chars
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