Ono San is at it again! In a recent the producer of Street Fighter IV, reveals that they have a pre 3d moedel for T-hawk ready and even knew how he will play in sf4 he also mention that they had early work started on dee jay before. Yet he does not say why they are not included in the game. Ono san also hints that they might do a sequel to sfIV like an SFIV Dash (championship edition in US) if fans wnat to.
Here is a bit from the nterview translated by Adriasang:"The magazine asked Ono about the possibility of the two missing fighters following their Super compatriots Cammy and Fei Long and being updated to full 3D form. Ono's response, surprisingly, was that they already have undergone the conversion! The characters have already been developed into to pre-texturing 3D models. For T.Hawk, the developers even went so far as to come up with plans for how the character would fight in SFIV.
Ono didn't specify why the two didn't make the final cut, but all is not lost. Said Ono: "If there's demand from users, we're ready to revive them at any point. "
Pretty interesting huh? do you guys think Ono san is hinting at a downloadable characters possibility! time will tell.
Thumbs up about the idea of downloading characters.
But why, oh why T Hawk and DeeJay!?
i've gotta second that...their the last 2 characters i would add, especially Dee Jay, lame. Even if they dont want to delve into the SF3 cast there's still plenty of alpha characters I'd rather they add....like Birdie! bring on the bird!
I miss Dee Jay and T. Hawk a lot!
I think every World Warrior had to be added to SF4. If there is the possibility to bring them to the game, that's great!
im up for any new characters, but if it means a brand new game after i just bought sf4, i will not be happy, thumbs up if it's dlc
i maybe just don't miss Dee Jay coz he always kicks my ass :)
More characters is defo cool, just not too many, there's already a large selection when u unlock everyone...I'd almost rather see more background stages, especially some reworkings of classic scenes like Sagats statue or Kens Harbour stages
T. Hawk FTW!!!
Oh god no!!, one of the things i liked most about sfiv was that thawk and deejay were out of it!! why not bring cooler characters like cody or guy, that would be better :)
Would love these to be downloadable characters, not too keen on the idea of having to buy the game again for 2 characters & a sped-up mode.
T-Hawk & Deejay would be a welcomed addition, especially DeeJay. I'm glad theyre importing the full super street fighter roster rather than Alpha characters.
This had better not be bull.
Dee Jay is my main in HD Remix and I was super pissed he's not in SF IV.
SF4 dash would be unneeded since anything they want to add to SF4 can be done via DLC. Also i don't think fans would be happy with shelling out more money for the same game with a few new features.
I do think they should add characters via DLC. This would be a great way to cater to the fans of SF3 who have been done no justice with this game.
Downloadable SFIV champion edition would be cool, I just dont wanna buy it again and again and again for full price like they did for Super nintendo...
Street Fighter IV Dash? O_O So fucking yeah! :D
I want Alex, Elena, Doctrine Dark, and Dee Jay in the game.
Ono-san making a SF IV Dash or Championshipship addition, depends on FAN DEMAND.
And honestly, I don't think us fans overall, are going to ever want that. Either make it downloadable content like Rampz said, or save it for Street Fighter V.
A game which I believe, will potentially be the ultimate Street Fighter game.
Hm... Street Fighter Dash?
While Dee Jay and T.Hawk are classic characters, they should also be working on SF3, SF Alpha, or Final Fight characters, if they're willing to add more characters.
They could also make some more stages.
But then again... Street Fighter 5... we won't be seeing that for a long time. But if people are now happy that they can see their favs in 4, a 5 with new characters like 3 would be welcome... to me anyways.
I really wish they would have had evil ryu. that's really the only part of the story for SF that interests me and man he would have been cool in this game
next to him I'd like to see yun or yang...they're in the videos, why not the game?
i think ono san should use characters from street fighter 1, that way fans can hav a pleasant suprise with new fighters knowing nothing about them, and capcom can incorporate the new fighters into the storyline...
there is no street fighter without t.hawk and deejay. i say, "here comes a new challenger!"
T.Hawk must be in the game.he is my main character since Super Street Fighter II the new challengers from Super NES.
he is the cooler grabber in all fighting series.
Capcom pleaaaaaase put him in with a DLC and for free. ;)
also to complete the "package" put Deejay also!
there is no street fighter without t.hawk and deejay. i say, "here comes a new challenger!"
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