Today marks the begining of the Street Fighter IV grand national tournament, held in Japan. And according to www.dengeki.com Ono San announced for the first time the release date for the home version Street Fighter IV which will be February 2009, merely Three months from now.
ps: anybody knows of a safe method that will allow me to freeze my self for 3 months? :-/
source: Dengeki
They said that about Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix!
SSFIITHDR should be coming this november, shoudn't it? SFIV comes this (american) winter, so february is a safe guess.
That being said, please share that freezing method.
@ anonymous and holygriever
tru, ssf2thdr is coming this month. I guess we can play hd remix while waiting for sf4.
freezing oneself is never a good idea, remember what happened to cartman when he froze himself waiting for the Wii :p
i'm excited that street fighter iv is coming out in february 2009.
Has there been confirmation from another source? Or should I just stop worrying and just be happy :)
Sounds likely, but the Dengeki link you provide shows only a screenshot with no accompanying text. Since most other stuff you post here "translated" from Japanese (see Karin rumor nonsense) turns out to be made up out of whole cloth, I'll take this with a gigantic grain of salt.
link now fixed, and it does clearly shows release dat is feb 09, also the official street fighter website now lists the release date as feb 09
as far as the karin rumor im still looking into it
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